2023 Great Madison+ LGBTQ+ Artist Survey: Cynthia Mooseknuckle

by | Sep 1, 2023 | 0 comments

My first experience with the art of drag was in 2015. I decided to participate as a cast member of The Rocky Horror Picture Show at what was then Plan B. I performed as Frank-N-Furter for the first time, and I was hooked. My second performance was at Five Night Club for the Miss Gay Softball fundraiser for our local LGBTQ+ softball league. There, I represented my team the Chartreuse Moose and performed for a packed audience.

But really, from the moment I started talking, I’ve been entertaining. I am always excited to light up the stage for a cheering crowd and some of my favorite memories have come from performing in drag.

One moment really stands out, and that was when I was the grand Queen of the Spring Green Pride in Spring Green. This was the first time a rural town in the driftless region was hosting a Pride event, and I had the honor to host and officiate their parade. I have performed on a large stage in front of sold-out crowds; however, I prefer these small, local Pride shows as they give me a chance to connect the public with my drag. I will never forget performing a solo show in front of an 1800s schoolhouse out in the middle of the driftless area to a crowd of 100 locals. To this day, it is one of my favorite moments in drag!

I also love engaging with my audience and having them participate as part of the performance. I once had a lovely grandmother in the audience who didn’t know the meaning behind my last name. This adorable person was so sweet, yet not getting my explanation at all. This being a family friendly event, I proceeded to go into an impromptu charades game with this lady until it clicked. It was so funny seeing the light bulb go off in her head, the facial expression of “I got it,” to “Oh, that’s what that means,” was priceless. I remember my final words on the subject were, “Okay, you got it? Don’t Google that here.”


2023 Great Madison+ LGBTQ+ Artist Survey

Rat Bath, Band
Basal Jones, Rapper
T.L. Luke, Illustrator
Bruce Seeds, Quiltmaker




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