Love Strikes

by | May 1, 2024 | 0 comments

When I was 13 years old, I had never seen women as very attractive. Then, I saw this girl at my mom’s bowling party, and I felt a feeling that I never felt for anyone. I looked at her, and I couldn’t stop looking, like there was a spell or something on me. When she came to my sister’s sleepover, she spent the night, so I was flirting with her a little bit, and she was just as shocked as I was. So, we kissed until my mom walked in and was very disappointed, but she didn’t show it as much since the girl was there.

When my mom dropped her off, she started talking about what happened. I told her it was nothing, it was an “accident.” But then, the girl and I were in a relationship until my mom found out a few months ago. My mom started going through my phone constantly, and I had to hide our relationship from her.

We were together for seven months, then we broke up because she liked someone else at her school; I found out from her mom. I was crying that whole night, and I couldn’t sleep. My mom and I talked, and she understood, and she has been supportive ever since.

GSA in school 

We moved to Milwaukee from Alabama in 2018. When I started middle school, I was nervous because I didn’t know anyone there. I made some friends, but it wasn’t always great.

I joined my school’s GSA when I started high school. Freshman year, we were virtual, and I noticed that they were asking people, so I decided to join. I was nervous because I didn’t know anybody there but I enjoyed myself. We all met in person, and more people started joining.

We talk in the club about our feelings and famous people that are part of LGBTQ+ community. We also talk about different shows/movies with people in the community. Sometimes we play different games or do an activity. We have field trips to places like UWM, the college where I’ve been accepted and want to attend. We also went to see “The Color Purple,’’ and I enjoyed myself. Other times visitors come in to talk about their coming out story and their resources. Our school therapist came to speak to us about being comfortable expressing your emotions and feelings.

Last year, I was the student advisor with my best friend. 

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