Apply for the LGBT Chamber’s Business Leadership Academy

by | Dec 4, 2018 | 0 comments

The Wisconsin LGBT Chamber is proud to announce the launch of the Business Leadership Academy.

The mission of the Business Leadership Academy is to develop and foster the next generation of LGBTQ and allied leaders in the workplace by providing quality and transformative programming. Today’s business environment for both small businesses or corporations requires leadership skills like effective communication, creativity, collaboration and the ability to motivate.Click here to learn more about the Business Leadership Academy.

You can apply for the Business Leadership Academy here. Applications are accepted until 11:59 p.m. on January 8, 2019.

The Business Leadership Academy works to provide a small cohort of Chamber members with the skills needed to be successful out LGBTQ leaders in senior management positions. Each of the sessions will be facilitated by industry experts, certified trainers, and other business leaders from the community. Topics that will be addressed during the program include:

•    Effectively Communicating Yourself to the Top
•    Taking Care of Yourself so You Can Take Care of Business
•    Productive Conflict
•    Managing People
•    Implicit Bias and Microaggressions
•    Being a Nonprofit Board Leader
•    Understanding Business Financials
•    Corporate Financial Leadership

You are invited to apply today or to share this opportunity with your employees who would make a great program participant. Ideal participants are those individuals that LGBTQ+ or allied, have a minimum of 5 years of professional work experience, and wish to advance in their career.

The 2019 Business Leadership Academy will meet monthly from February to December on the second Tuesday of each month from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m. These workshops will be held in the Milwaukee area at various locations. (In future years, the program hopes to expand to additional regions of the state).

The cost for each participant in the program is $1,500.  This fee includes the registration fee for all sessions, the Insights Discovery assessment, as well as additional leadership and program materials.

Applications are available now and can be submitted until January 8, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. CT.

This website will answer some of your questions on the Business Leadership Academy. If you have additional questions on the program, please contact me at [email protected].

We hope you’ll consider applying today for this elite program provided by the Wisconsin LGBT Chamber. Together, we can break the rainbow ceiling and help get more LGBTQ people into senior leadership positions at businesses and companies in the state.

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