Cream City Foundation Awards $30,000 to Fund Collaborative Partnerships in Milwaukee

by | Apr 24, 2019 | 0 comments

Milwaukee –Cream City Foundation announced today two grant awards totaling $30,000. The awards were made through the Cream City Foundation LGBTQ+ Impact-Grant Program, a competitive grant program that funds collaborative partnerships between LGBTQ+-exclusive service organizations and allied or LGBTQ+-inclusive partner organizations. This year’s awards focus on access to HIV/STI testing, prevention and treatment services and on job readiness and goal development for youth who face housing insecurities.

The funding makes it possible for Holton Street Clinic to imbed a Registered Nurse and a Clinic Assistant two afternoons per week at the Diverse & Resilient office. The program specifically supports efforts to improve the sexual health of African American Men who have sex with men and African American trans women in Milwaukee, services will be available free of charge to anyone in need.

“LGBTQ+ community members face disproportional rates of discrimination across areas of health care and health education. There is also significant disparity in access and outcomes in HIV healthcare, especially for our trans community and communities of color. These funds will support Diverse & Resilient and Holton Street Clinic who are embracing a model that will bring improved access to some of the most marginalized in our community.” said Cream City Foundation President & CEO, Brett Blomme.

“We are grateful to the Cream City Foundation for their financial support which allows us to provide free, high quality STI testing and treatment to young African American gay men and African American trans individuals in Milwaukee. This partnership with Holton Street Clinic and the Cream City Foundation is critical in our effort to battle the unacceptably high rates of HIV and STI’s in Milwaukee’s African American LGBTQ community,” said Gerry Coon, Diverse & Resilient President & CEO.

The LGBTQ+ Impact-Grant Program also provided seed funding to launch a collaboration between Pathfinders and the Wisconsin LGBT Chamber of Commerce. This program will have 4 main components, job readiness assessments, skill-based workshops, career fairs and education for employers. All of these programs will be administered through the lens of trauma informed care.

“LGBTQ+ youth, especially those who are youth of color and who experience housing instability and homelessness, are some of the most vulnerable and marginalized in our community,” said Tim Baack, Pathfinders’ President and CEO. “We are grateful for this collaboration that will advance young LGBTQ+ people in the workplace and ensure that they
are equipped with the skills and support they need to prosper.”

Cream City Foundation will open its next Impact-Grant Program Application cycle in the Fall of 2019.

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