Supreme Court Upholds Freedom to Marry Nationally

by | Jun 26, 2015 | 0 comments

MILWAUKEE, Wis. – The Supreme Court of the United States today issued a sweeping ruling in favor of marriage equality. This decision clarified what has been until now a patchwork of relationship protections in this country – 36 states and Washington, D.C. allowed same-sex couples to marry, while 13 states refused.  Now, marriage equality is the law of the land in all fifty states.

“Today we join same sex couples, their families and our allies across the country in celebrating this victory,” said Larry Dupuis, legal director of the ACLU of Wisconsin.  “Every loving and committed couple in the U.S. can now enjoy the freedom to marry, protect their loved ones, and have their commitment honored by our legal system.”

The ACLU of Wisconsin brought a case on behalf of eight plaintiff couples in 2014 that led to marriage equality in Wisconsin last year.

Charvonne Kemp and Marie Carlson were the last of the plaintiff couples in the ACLU of Wisconsin case to get married, last Saturday, June 20, 2015.  “We were so happy to be able to marry, legally, in front of our friends and family.  The only thing that cast a pall on our day was knowing there were still couples in the United States who did not enjoy that freedom.  We are so happy that the court has dispelled that remaining cloud,” Charvonne said.

Celebrations of the decision will be happening at 5:00pm in Milwaukee at Black Sheep, 216 S 2nd St, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53204, and in Madison at Shamrock Bar & Grille, 117 W Main St.

More information about this case can be found at:

The ACLU of Wisconsin is a non-profit, non-partisan, private organization whose 7,000 members support its efforts to defend the civil rights and liberties of all Wisconsin residents. For more on the ACLU of Wisconsin, visit our website, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter at @ACLUofWisconsin and @ACLUMadison.

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